1. At first remove the battery from the mobile phone. Don't try to switch on the phone if it is wet.
2. Now Disassemble the complete mobile phone then dry all the parts.
3. You can dry PCB of mobile phone by hot blower or hot air machine.
4. Don't give heat to the battery and display.
5. After drying each and every part, assemble the mobile phone and then put the battery and try to switch it on.
6. if the phone doesn't switch on then again disassemble the phone and then clean the PCB with isopropyle alcohal and then dry the PCB and assemble the mobile phone again and check back by switching it on. or You may also use Ultrasonic Vibrator Cleaner to clean the PCB. vibrator cleaner
7. Now if phone doesn't get switched on then do the step by step checking for dead mobile phone and take the action accordingly.
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