Following are some popular OS of a computer(Personal Computer).

DOS(Disk Operating System)

Windows(OS from Microsoft)

OS/2 (OS from IBM)

MAC(OS from Apple Computers)

And some popular networks OS that OS for LAN(Local Area Network) and WAN(Wide Area Network) are:

Window NT



And UNIX is also a popular OS for Mini and Mainframe computers.


DOS is also known as Disk Operating System.

MS DOS from Microsoft was one of the most popular operating system for IBM compatible PC before the wide spread use of Window OS.

MS DOS is 16 bits opearting systems.

It is a command based opearting system that it provides a character based operating system interface to users wherein users can writec commands on a command prompt.

DOS has gone through many revisions and finally it was extended to a GUI(Graphical User Interface) based opearting system known as Window.

Microsoft Windows:

The Window is the most popular opearting system from Microsoft Inc.

The Windows has tremendous amount of user friendly features and capabilities.

It is almost a monopolist operating system for personal computers.

The Window has gone through several revisions in the last 10-15 years like Window 1.0,2.0,3.0, 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

The key features of the Windows OS are as follows:

Windows 95/98 and later versions are user friendly 32 bit OS.

Windows enables multiple programs to be executed simultaneously

Windows enables users to work with large files and use file operation like Cut, Copy, Paste etc. very conveniently.

Windows allows the users to pass information from one application to another application like from Word to Excel.

Windows help to use a computer system more efficiently and effectively

Microsoft Window NT:

Windows 95 and 98 are the operating system used for a PC or single user system. Microsoft also introduced an operating system used for powerful system or for networks known as Windows NT.

Windows NT is 64 bits operating system used for big size machine or servers; and it is also known as Network Operating System(NOS).

It is more stable, reliable and multitasking opearting system.

Window NT is multiprogramming, multiprocessing operating system that it can handle many user's programs simultaneously, and it can also work with many processors(CPU) unlike Window 95 /98 which is based on a single processor computer system.

Window NT provides enhanced security features than Window 95/98.

Window NT is portable opearting system that it can work with any type of processor unlike Window 95/98, which can work with processors of PC only.

Over the years, Window NT has also been introduced in the market with many versions such as Window 2000 Advance Server, Window 2003 server etc.

Operating System 2:

OS/2 was jointly introduced by Microsoft and IBM for PC's, but this OS has certain problems like it demanded considerable computer resources in terms of memory capacity, CPU's processing power etc.

This OS was also not compatible with some of the existing applications; and due to all these problems it is not in much use.

Multitasking Operating Systems:

Multitasking Operating Systems seems to turn one computer into many, not physically but logically.

There is on one computer we can execute many application simultaneously.

These Operating Systems allow many tasks to be executed concurrently.

We know that Windows is multitasking OS; and we can execute many applications simultaneously using Windows OS.

That is We can work in MS word, at some time, when we are working in MS- Excel.

Also, We can switch between one application and another without closing any application.

Multitasking Operating Systems increase the productivity of users for use of computers.


UNIX is multiusers, multitasking and multiprocessing operating system and primarily, used in bigger size machines like mainframe and minicomputers.

It was developed by AT and T Bells Labs around 1970.

The development of of UNIX has given birth to many operating systems that can work on different types and sizes of computers.

For Example: LINUX and SOLARIS operating systems are known as siblings of UNIX operating system.

The UNIX is a flexible operating system and can be used for any type of processors unlike MS DOS which can work only on INTEL's processors or its clones..

Also, the UNIX is not built to run on single processor; it can work on single processor system as well on many processor system.

The UNIX can also interact with devices and networks of different vendors; which help to use this operating system for managing complex networks like banking and telecom.

The UNIX operating system is more popular for mission critical applications that the general purpose applications due to its scalability and security features.

It is mainly used for very large, highly secured and multi-users applications like banking and telecom.

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